It's very easy, with all bad news circulating about the Coronavirus COVID-19, to lose sight of the fact that "this too shall pass" in light of that we pulled together some things about summer in Ireland that we can't wait for!

As the world is gripped by the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and uncertainty seems to be everywhere, on Thursday, March 19, some good news was reported from China - they had no new cases of the disease. What does this mean? Light at the end of the tunnel. 

Yes, China's outbreak was officially announced on December 31, 2019, so Europe, the United States and the rest of the world may have tough times ahead but as the good book says "this too shall pass".

With that in mind let's take a look at some of the glorious things in Ireland we have to look forward to once we all get through this together.


Here's to gathering around a table with your beloved family, young and old.

Here's to gathering around a table with your beloved family, young and old.

Getting together with family! What's so hard for most people around the world is not being able to visit with elderly relatives and just hang out with your extended family as most Irish do most weekends. 

Think of it! Once all this is over you can all gather around a table and have a roast, or an indoor-outdoor barbecue if weather permits. 

Of course, give it 30 minutes and some combinations of yis will be killing each other. However, we think this time of crisis will make us all relish those moments just a little more.

Pints with the lads

Fine! We're said it! We miss yis! Here's to the craic in your local pub after all of this.

Fine! We're said it! We miss yis! Here's to the craic in your local pub after all of this.

Okay, okay! We know it's cliche but come on! Who won't be celebrating when they're given the go-ahead to head to their local with their pals and raise a pint to this being over! 

The Irish pub is the epicenter of many communities! It's where our happy moments are celebrated, our sad times discussed and let's be honest we love a bit of craic and ceoil (fun and music)! Wherever you are in the world after all this dies down don't forget to support your local Irish pubs and restaurants.

A routine! 

Oh! How we want our routine back! This social distancing is no good for bants!

Oh! How we want our routine back! This social distancing is no good for bants!

Humans are creatures of habit! And the Irish one, though they might find it odd is actually quite European these days. Oh for the routine of getting up, heading out and stopping off at your favorite coffee place before work. 

Then at lunch perhaps a favorite sandwich shop for your lunch and back to the office to have the chats with the heads before finishing up work. Then what? A nice bit to eat, an aperitif with colleagues or a catch up over a cuppa. 

Maybe you'd be doing a class of yoga (in the park during summer) or CrossFit if that's your thing. But oh! Wait for this summer. We'll all be out in the thick of it enjoying normality again. 


Here's to the freedom to travel! To stand on the Cliffs of Moher, in County Clare, and bellow in to the wind!

Here's to the freedom to travel! To stand on the Cliffs of Moher, in County Clare, and bellow in to the wind!

Sadly of course, for now, most trips have been put on hold but the Irish love to travel. This year however we hope that the Irish will be keeping their holidays native to support the Irish economy while those who've always dreamt of traveling to Ireland will be joining them in discovering everything it has to offer. 

Whether is the natural beauty along the Wild Atlantic Way, hiking in the "The Garden of Ireland" County Wicklow, traveling along the filming locations of Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland of stepping back in time in Ireland's Ancient East, we're all in for a treat. 

Learning, moving, socializing... bettering ourselves

Oh how miss it! To socialize, move and better ourselves! We'll be back...

Oh how miss it! To socialize, move and better ourselves! We'll be back...

Ireland is known as a country of saints and scholars and in so many ways that remains true today. What many Irish will miss during all of this is their hobbies, whether that's going to the gym, evening classes or gathering with groups to act, sing or do many other things this outbreak has stimied all of that. Of course, what's more, Mass has been utterly changed and now is an online system. 

Here is too sunny days ahead. To after we as a people have come out the other side, as unscathed as possible and we can celebrate living! 

Let's all just take this strange time as a blip, a moment to reflect and what we're about and what we want to do! We, of course, suggest a trip to Ireland and reconnecting with what's important to you. 

In these most trying times, no phrase seems more apt than Sláinte, the Irish for good health. 

* "In a world where you can be anything be kind" - Anon. The IrishCentral team is acutely aware of how hard the COVID-19 outbreak is for many people. With that in mind, we're focusing on looking for the helpers. If you know anyone who's doing amazing deeds during these trying times let us know. 

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Read more: #ICKindess - Do you know a local hero helping others deal with coronavirus?