IrishCentral wants to shine a light on people carrying out acts of kindness, selflessness or bravery during these trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Share your stories with our community.
In light of these unnerving times, as the world comes to grips with the COVID-19 outbreak and most St. Patrick’s Day celebrations across the globe are canceled, IrishCentral wants to shine a light on the heroes and good deeds emerging during this pandemic. We want you to share your stories of kindness on IrishCentral Storytellers or by using #ICKindess on social media.
There are a few things the Irish are known for it’s telling stories, their sense of community and helping each other out. Given the strange new reality that the world finds itself in IrishCentral wants to “look for the helpers”, as the inimitable Fred Rogers once said.

Do you know someone who deserves to have their story of kindness during the COVID-19 shared with our global community? Perhaps they’re a tireless first-responder who’s doing something heroic? Or maybe it’s someone on a more local level looking out for the vulnerable in their community? It might just be someone who’s keeping the community’s spirits up with some good Irish craic!
We want to share those stories, the stories of kindness, the stories of humanity during these tiring times.
Please sign up to IrishCentral Storytellers and post a story here.
Or you can tag us on social media using #ICKindness.
As always at IrishCentral we want to hear from you. Get in touch with our team at [email protected].
We will continue to bring Ireland to you and you can follow everything that’s happening on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
In a world where you can be anything, be kind.
#ICKindness ☘️
* Originally published on March 18, 2020.