Is there a group, community or individual in your Irish community that you want to praise? IrishCentral wants to hear from you!

As the largest Irish website in North America, IrishCentral is proud to be a touchpoint for the Irish community around the globe. We all know that there's nothing quite like the sense of community among the Irish and we want to celebrate our unsung heroes. 

Every month IrishCentral would like to one Irish group, community or individual, anywhere in the world, with the title Irish diaspora of the month. 

Read more: Do you know a local hero helping others deal with coronavirus?

Do you know someone who tirelessly works in your community to benefit those less fortunate or those who need a little help? Perhaps you're part of a community group or immigration center who does great charity work? Or perhaps you know of a brilliant Irish initiative that you're hugely proud of? We want to hear from you. 

Tell your story

You can reach IrishCentral's global directly by signing up for our contributor's network, IrishCentral Storytellers. Here you can submit a short article (over 300 words) and images, which will be vetted by IrishCentral Editors before it's made live. 

You can read all about IrishCentral Storytellers and sign up here.

You can also email us at [email protected]. Simple email us with the following information. 

- Who would you like to nominate? 

- Why do you think they should be dubbed with the title of Irish diaspora of the month?

- What work do they do that makes you especially proud? 

- How can our global Irish community find out more about their wonderful community work? 

Once our article is published it will be shared with our 3 million strong community across our social media and newsletters. 

There's something truly special about being part of the Irish community and we want to share that with the world! 

*Love IrishCentral? Join some of our Facebook groups here - History, Books, Travel, GAA, St. Patrick's Day! Make sure you never miss a beat and stay in on all our community's news. 

Read more: IrishCentral’s Irish dance school of the month - McManus Irish Dance