Y'all know the Naked Cowboy, right, especially those of us who reside in New York. He's the dude who plays his guitar in Times Square wearing nothing but his hat, boots and undies - and he's made reportedly millions in the process. Mr. Cowboy - real name Robert Burck - was asked to share some of his pearls of business wisdom in Ireland last week, and he didn't disappoint his Irish fans. "Just do something you love and find a way to make money from it. All you've got to do is sit down with a pen and paper and decide where you want to go from here," he said at the launch of a competition hosted by Irish Entrepreneur magazine. Of course, as you can see from our pic, he was dressed in his usual next to nothing attire. "The first day I started playing, no one listened. The next day I played in my underwear and I earned $40, then I moved to New York and I wrote 'tips' on my boots and people started stuffing dollars into them and I earned $600. I've been going back to Times Square ever since, earning $1,000 a day for four hours work." Nice money if you can make it, and the Cowboy sure knows how to enjoy it, too. He mosied on over to Dublin hotspot Krystle and headed straight for the VIP section on Saturday night, garbed once again in his trademark outfit.
