Everything you need to know about the Irish surname O'Flaherty - its meaning, origins, interesting facts, and famous people with the last name O'Flaherty.
Irish derivation of O'Flaherty.
O'Flaherty name meaning:
"Bright leader."
Counties associated with the name O'Flaherty:
Galway, also Kerry and Clare.
O'Flaherty coat of arms motto:
“Fortuna Favet Fortibus,” or fortune favors the brave.
Looking for more on your Irish surname? Visit our Irish clans and surnames page here.
Interesting facts about the Irish surname O'Flaherty:
- For 400 years, the O'Flahertys held Connacht with such dominance that in 1585 the Englishman Sir John Perrot referred to it as "O'Flahertyes Contrey" in his history of the area.
Some famous O’Flahertys:
- Robert J Flaherty (1884-195, First commercially successful documentary maker)
- Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854-1900, the full name of Oscar Wilde writer, extraordinaire)
- Liam O’Flaherty (1896-1984, Irish Renaissance writer).
Are you an O'Flaherty? Done some family research on your name? Let us know what you've found, or just say hello to your fellow O'Flahertys, in the comments section, below.
Looking for more on your Irish surname? Visit our Irish clans and surnames page here.
*Originally published in March 2016. Updated in September 2022.

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