The Irish American Presidential Forum has received "acknowledgments from virtually every candidate and an expressed interest in participating in the forum" at Fordham University.

The Irish American Presidential Forum, scheduled for Sunday, April 26 at the Fordham University School of Law in Manhattan, has announced ticketing procedures for the event.  Those wishing to apply for tickets should email [email protected].

“All candidates of both parties have been invited with the committee having received acknowledgments from virtually every candidate and an expressed interest in participating in the forum,” a spokesman indicated.

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A press release added about tickets, “Due to the limited seating capacity of the auditorium where the forum will occur, a request for tickets does not guarantee a person will ultimately receive a ticket, but all interested individuals must apply to the email address noted above.”

The time of the forum depends on availability of the candidates, but organizers have indicated that it will take place in the afternoon.

The forum is being chaired by former Congressman Joe Crowley, attorney Marty Glennon, and attorney and former New York State Assemblyman John Dearie, the founder of the first Irish forum in 1992.

Candidates will be asked about Brexit, immigration, U.S. trade with the United Kingdom, the McGuinness Principles and the appointment of an American special envoy to Ireland.

“Forum 2020 represents the singular event in the entire presidential election cycle where our Irish community can benefit by hearing all candidates stating their views on the six agenda topics representing the highest priority issues to our 43 million Irish American community,” said a statement from the event’s chairmen last December.

Fordham University School of Law is located at 150 West 62nd Street.

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