Looking for Ireland's greatest rebel song? Could it be the ballad "Grace?"

Last week a video of Irish hunger striker Bobby Sands' granddaughter singing Irish classic ballad "Grace" went viral and it got us to thinking about our favorite Irish rebel songs. 

Back in 2016 on the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising, we took a look at what we believed to be the top ten but when it comes down to it, while the likes of "The Foggy Dew" and "James Connolly" are up there, nowhere comes close to "Grace" in our estimations. 

Read more: Bobby Sands' granddaughter sings beautiful rendition of “Grace”

 It's been covered by the likes of legendary rocker Rod Stewart and if you're looking for a singsong, the chorus is bound to get everyone fired up no matter their musical abilities. 

What do you think? Is "Grace" the great Irish rebel song there is? 

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What do you think is Ireland's greatest rebel song? Let us know in the comments section, below. 

Read more: They banned one of Ireland's greatest ballad - what was the BBC thinking?