Rainbows remind us of possibilities, opportunities and hope. Rainbows are God’s promise – His miracle.
In the midst of life’s storms, it is often hard to spot a rainbow, but I think the most important thing is to remember, these miracles of the sky only appear after the storm.
In Ireland, rainbows symbolize blessings from heaven, and this is reflected in some of the wise old words from generations past.
In today’s post, I have some wonderful photos of Irish rainbows, and compliments of my brother-in-law, which I’ve paired with some traditional old Irish rainbow blessings and sayings.
” May God give you…
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.”
~ Old Irish Blessing
May you have all the happiness
And luck that life can hold
- And at the end of your rainbows
May you find a pot of gold.
~ Old Irish Blessing
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May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your window pane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
~ Old Irish Blessing

Dún Briste Sea Stack, in Milltown, County Mayo.
Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!
~ Old Irish Blessing
“May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.
May songbirds serenade you every step along the way.
May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that’s always blue.
And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.”
~ Irish Blessing
“A rainbow afternoon,
Good weather coming soon.”
~ Old Irish Saying

Rainbow at the coast of Slea Head, County Kerry.
“Don’t miss all the colors of the rainbow,
Looking for that pot of gold.”
~ Old Irish Saying
“The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow,
But the rainbow won’t wait while you do the work.”
~ Old Irish Saying
I hope these lovely rainbows, and Irish words of wisdom from the past, remind you that life is a rainbow of promise.
Slán agus beannacht leat!
(Goodbye and blessings)
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* Mairead Geary came to America for one year 20 years ago. She now lives with her husband and children in Kentucky and is proud to be an American citizen. Read more on her blog here.
* Originally published in 2015, updated in Jan 2025.