The game is afoot to uncover my Irish and Canadian family’s unknown and lost 35 years of history on an island part of the Thousand Islands in Canada.

I’m digging up documents my ancestors left from their lives in Kingston and Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada, before homesteading in rural Minnesota. Perseverance and Irish wit were certainly perfected en route to the United States. It’s a gift that’s certainly been passed to me and other family members.

One of my Irish ancestors made his journey as a widower from Ireland before the Great Famine, 1845-1852, stopping off first with his oldest son in Canada for an extended stay of 35 years, long enough to get married a second time, work as a farmer, raise a generation of eight Canadian born children with his second wife. That’s exactly what my Great-Great-Grandfather Michael J. Walsh Sr. did (1812, Co Kilkenny, Ireland -1901, Murdock, Dublin Township, Swift County, Minnesota).

Obituaries and church documents

With a copy of my Great-Great-Grandfather Michael John Walsh Sr.’s obituary from the Murdock Voice, December 12, 1901, in Murdock, Minnesota, and help from the Swift County Historical Society in Benson, Minnesota, I’m understanding more about my Canadian and Irish family.

Michael Sr. was 89 years when he died in Murdock, and was a world and continent away from his native Co Kilkenny in Ireland. It was in 1842 that he traveled across the North Atlantic Ocean by ship, likely a timber ship as Canada was exporting lumber to Europe, and brought back passengers as human ballast. Weight helped to give stability to ocean-going vessels, keeping ships trimmed, and riding lower in water. Ship owners also needed to make a profit when they returned with their ships to Canada from Europe, and took immigrants as their new trade and cargo, according to the Library and Archives of Canada education series, A Scattering of Seed, The Creation of Canada.

Lured to Canada from Ireland

Exactly why did my ancestors travel to Ireland? There are several reasons, but it’s possible they read an advertisement or poster pasted just about anywhere in Co Kilkenny about ships departing for Canada.

Online publication with Library and Archives Canada, cites from Flight from Famine, The coming of the Irish to Canada by Donald MacKay, a few very interesting reasons on how many of the Irish decided to head to Canada, noted below:

“Emigrants were lured by agents, sent into the countryside to recruit as many emigrants as possible to fill space. These agents were paid by the number of passengers they could attract. They often gave exaggerated descriptions of shipboard facilities, with assurances that the voyage would be short and provisions abundant.”

Many Irish people, including my family, were seeking new lives beyond the island of Ireland related to food shortages, religious discrimination, political and economic unrest, and wanted brighter futures for themselves and their children. The Irish traveled to Canada, then called British North American, until 1867 when it became a country, the Dominion of Canada, 1867, according to the Parliament of Canada.

My Great-Great-Grandfather Michael married his first wife Mary Moran in 1829 in Ireland, and she died in 1831, leaving one son named Patrick Walsh, according to the Murdock Voice obituary. It could be his first wife’s name was actually Bridget Moran as recorded in the marriage record, November 2, 1857, to second wife Catherine Summers, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Kingston, Ontario Canada.

View marriage record at FamilySearch, or see document posted below, or view document as PDF. [Note: Will need to register a free account to view documents at FamilySearch.]

It took me 10 years to find the graves in Minnesota of my Great-Great- Grandparents Michael John Walsh Sr. and Catherine Summers Walsh, enlisting help, always coming up short, although the cemetery is three miles from my home. The very same day I found their digital records online at FamilySearch, at no cost.

Marriage record of Michael Walsh Sr. and Catherine Summers - St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kingston, Ontario Canada, November 2, 1857

On this second day of November one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven, after one publication of marriage bans at the Parochial Mass the second and third having been dispensed with, the undersigned Administrator have married Michael Walsh, widower of deceased Bridget Moran of Long Island to Catherine Summers, daughter of Martin Summers and of Teresa Keough of this City. Witnesses were John Hawkins and Jane Rathwell. Patrick Dollard, Administrator [Roman Catholic Priest]”

There were 26 years between the death of his first wife Mary or Bridget. Michael Sr., about age 46, was likely informing the Catholic priest, Rev. Dollard of his marriage history personally. Of course, details are only as good as they are recorded and delivered for recording.

In the case of the obituary stating Mary Moran as Michael Sr.’s first wife, this was information supplied by the family to the best of their memory, and information might not have been written, or simply forgotten. In any case, Mary or Bridget, or even Mary Bridget or Bridget Mary was my Great-Great-Grandfather first wife, and they had one son named Patrick. It’s also very likely Patrick was born the same day his dear mother died related to giving birth. These are details that are just lost.

I can remember my father’s surprise on his face when he learned of the previous marriage of Michael Sr., and of the first son named Patrick. If Patrick was born the same year his mother died, 1831, or even as early as 1829, he was likely aged 8 to 10 when he arrived with his father in Canada. At the time of his father’s second marriage, Patrick was a young man, 24 to 26. He is mentioned twice in his father’s obituary with the statement, “Patrick is now residing in Philadelphia.” He is also listed first in the series of nine children mourning for his father. It’s unknown if Patrick traveled to Minnesota with his family, or when he went to Philadelphia.

Typical Irish naming order steps back a generation

At this time, the details stop on Patrick, except for details related to the traditional naming of Irish boys. During the 1700s and 1800s, the Irish liked to use a precise way of naming their children giving suggestions to their previous generations, according to Ireland Reaching Out. The naming tradition for the firstborn son of a family is to be named after the paternal grandfather, his father’s father.

There is no name known of the father of my Great-Great-Grandfather Michael. His firstborn son is Patrick. If the naming pattern was used, Michael’s father was named Patrick Walsh. Learn more about the full details for Irish boys and girls at Ireland Reaching Out and FamilySearch.

Grosse Isle, Immigration

Ireland at the time of my family’s emigration from Ireland in the 1800s was ruled by the British and continued until 1922. Canada was also ruled by the British, and the Irish needed a place of refuge to escape oppression and poverty. Many of the new immigrants arriving in Canada went to Grosse Isle, or La Grosse-Île in French, an island located in the St. Lawrence River, downriver from Quebec City, according to CBC Learning. Grosse Isle is where tens of thousands of immigrants landed, serving as a quarantine station for the Port of Quebec, 1832 to 1937, states Parks Canada. It’s likely my family passed through this island, but it’s something to research. Kingston to Quebec City is about 340 miles away on the St. Lawrence River.

Research difficulties, Walsh family

My Foley and Brennan family lines through my late grandmother, my namesake, Mary Jannet “Jennie” Foley Walsh (1886 -1985) is associated with the St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada location her grandparents Ellen Brennan Foley and William Foley married, both from Co Kerry, Ireland. My grandmother’s father Stephen Foley was born in Calais, Maine, just the other side of St. Stephen of the Canadian and US borders, separated by the St. Croix River. Her family ties directly back to a point of origin at Dromkerry Townland in rural Co Kerry, Ireland.

My research on my Walsh family line related to my late grandfather Martin J. Walsh Sr., (1887 -1988), husband of Jennie, has missing details to a specific location in Ireland, only the entire Co Kilkenny. Grandfather Martin was of the first generation of his family born in the United States, with his father Michael John Walsh Jr. born in Kingston, Ontario, and his grandfather Michael John Walsh Sr. born in Ireland.

A townland, a small geographic division of land in Ireland, is vital for pinpointing the exact origins of my Walsh ancestors. Not knowing a townland of origin, combined with the last name of Walsh, a very common name in Co Kilkenny with about 1,420 Walsh households between 1849-50, according to John Grenham’s website. I’ve tried in the past, more than once to enlist the help of professional generalists, but no person would help because of the common name of Walsh and no specific location or townland. It’s likely I will never pinpoint a place of origin in Co Kilkenny, but I have other ideas about my Walsh family in Canada.

I am now slowly starting to uncover documents of my Irish and Canadian ancestors on Wolfe Island, Ontario, a remote island part of the Thousand Islands archipelago between Canada and the US border along the St. Lawrence River where Lake Ontario meets. Included in the new discovery is the city of Kingston, Ontario, located a few miles by ferry boat from Wolfe Island, and the city my Great Great-Grandparents Michael John Walsh Sr. and Catherine Summers married in 1857.

I’ve known since childhood about my father’s family and connections to Kingston and Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada. I recall my late father Martin J. Walsh Jr. of Murdock, Minnesota, telling stories in the living room at the home my grandparents in the 1970s, the same place I call home today. I’m sure my father wanted to visit Wolfe Island, but never did.

Journey from Kingston, Ontario to Swift County, Minnesota

My family left Wolfe Island in 1877, 145 years ago as of 2022. One of my second cousins heard the story of our Walsh ancestors traveling from Kingston, then setting out west across Canada, and then south, down to Minnesota. It’s likely they traveled with an oxen cart as did my Foley family from Maine to Minnesota, but these details are lost for now.

Baptism Record of Michael John Walsh Jr., 1858

I know of no family member that has returned to Wolfe Island as this would be an event to share, and stories to be told and told again. Wolfe Island is a very specific location, and I have Roman Catholic church documents dating back to 1857 in Kingston, Ontario, and now the baptism record of my Great Grandfather Michael John Walsh Jr. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Wolfe Island, to 1858. Baptism records of this period area similar to day’s birth certificates, often revealing unknown or forgotten details. I found an index for baptism at Sacred Heart Church on Wolfe Island, 1833 to 1910, at The Island: Sacred Heart baptisms, Wolfe Island website, listing eight children baptized of my Great Great-Grandparents. There is also an online catalogues for searching for records found at FamilySearch specific to Wolfe Island and Kingston, with digitized record books revealing handwritten documents.

Searching Canadian Provinces

You can also search for Canadian Provinces or locations at FamilySearch to find records across Canada. I’ve found it’s good to know a city, county, and province for locating church-related documents, especially in 1800s Canada. It is also vital to know the date or year, and names of ancestors you are searching for as many documents need to be viewed page by page, reading handwritten documents can take some time, with upwards of 100 or more pages in each digitized record book.

Listed below is what I’ve been able to make out of the handwritten baptism record of my Great-Grandfather Michael Walsh Jr., born Oct. 15, 1858, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. His baptism record lists him as being born on October 14, 1858, while his obituary list October 15, 1858, according to the Murdock Leader, March 14, 1929. His baptism was at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Wolfe Island, Ontario. Here is a direct link to his baptism record at FamilySearch, can be viewed below, or download as PDF.

It’s my hope, and quest, to one day board the ferry from Kingston, Ontario and head out to Wolfe Island, Canada, connecting 143 years, since 1877, when my family departed for yet another new life as pioneering settlers in Minnesota.

Baptism Record of Michael John Walsh Jr., Oct. 18, 1858
Scared Heart Catholic Church, Wolfe Island, Ontario Canada

Michael Walsh – On this 18th day of Oct 1858 this undersigned priest baptized Michael born on the 14th and of the lawful marriage of Michael Walsh “farmer” & Catherine Summers of this Parrish Sponsors Daniel Baker & Mary Walsh.

John Foley Priest

View document at original source, FamilySearch.

Baptism Record of Michael John Walsh Sr., Oct. 18, 1858 – View at original source at FamilySearch, can be viewed below, or download as PDF.

Resources to search for Irish and Canadian ancestors

Irish Immigration to Canada - learn more at The Canadian Encyclopedia online

Google – Simply do a Google search, or use another search engine, to local Canadian genealogy documents, and see what you find. Try to be specific, with names, dates, location and other details. Here is the search for the Wolfe Island documents I found using key terms of Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada, and Baptism Records.

FamilySearch – Start searching at for genealogy records. This is the site I found marriage records to my Great Great-Grandparents at the Cathedral in Kingston dating back to 1857, and baptism records on Wolfe Island, Ontario. You might be able to search but will need a free account to view and download documents.

Free resources – You will find numerous non-subscription databases at the National Archives, Washington, DC. Look at the listing for state archives offering free access to paid resources. You might already have access in your city, county or state as part of public services and resources.

Irish Genealogy Toolkit by Clair Santry has impressive and comprehensive resources of Canadian immigration resources, view her website.

Ancestry is a very helpful resource for searching for genealogy, and requires a paid membership. Check with your local libraries, historical societies, and museums offering free access in your local area.

Archives, Canadian immigration

Canadian Provinces, search by locations – See FamilySearch, select Places within Canada, and see listing by topics. Searching by location is to find detail to a specific location, see search at FamilySearch website, sign in to search.

Library and Archives Canada – Learn how to begin genealogy search, research by topic and place, research tools, links, and how to get help. Read details at Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

National Archives Ireland – Genealogy services free in person in Dublin and online, census records, resources, glossary, digitized collections and more. Read details at website of National Archives Ireland.

Ontario, Canada Roman Catholic Records – Search records by counties at FamilySearch for church records from 1760 to 1923.

Grosse Isle Quarantine Station, Quebec, Canada, 1832-1837, search records at Library and Archives Canada.

The New Brunswick Irish Portal, listing of databases from the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Canada, search website

Census Records, Canadian

Canadian Census records at FamilySearch, 1881 to 1901, search collection.

Canadian Census records, 1825 to 1926, search records at Library and Archives Canada.

Canadian Births and Baptism, 1661-1959, search at FamilySearch

Canadian Marriages 1661-1949, search at FamilySearch

Canadian Deaths and Burials, 1664-1955, search at FamilySearch

Passenger Lists

The Ships List, Irish passenger lists from Ireland to Canada, 1823 – 1825, see Peter Robinson Setters from Cork to Canada.

Passenger lists for Port Quebec City and other Canadian Ports, 1865-1922, search records at Library and Archies Canada.

Canadian Passenger Lists, 1881-1922, search at FamilySearch

Immigrant Ships Transcriber Guild, listing of ships dating be the 1700s, search listing

Wolfe Island and Kingston resources

Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Wolfe Island, Ontario Canada – Index to baptisms, 1833 to 1910, see The Island: Sacred Heart baptisms, Wolfe Island website.

Wolfe Island, Frontenac County, Ontario index cemeteries, census records, church records, genealogy, history, land and property, see FamilySearch Catalog, keywords Canada, Ontario, Frontenac.

Church records, Ontario and including Kingston, see Frontenac County, at FamilySearch

Jannet L. Walsh of Murdock, Minnesota is a photographer, writer, and educator. She is the author of the forthcoming creative nonfiction quest narrative “Higgledy-Piggledy Stones: Family Stories from Ireland and Minnesota,” scheduled for publication in 2022 by Shanti Arts Publishing. You can follow Walsh on Facebook and Twitter, and on her other social media channels, with the hashtag #IrishFamilyHistoryDetective.

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