Ted Kennedy Jr.is shaping up like he will run for his father's seat against Scott Brown in Massachusetts in 2012.
Over the weekend, Ted Jr., who lost a leg to cancer, spoke in Worcester, MA, to a conference on disabled issues.
The choice of location was no accident, I'll bet. What he said was even more indicative.
He was asked about a possible political career. "Politics is in my blood,” he said, going on to state that "at the moment," he’s more devoted to his young children and the needs of the disabled community.
Note the "at the moment" qualifier. This is a 48-year-old with a political future. As the Boston Herald reported, "Told there was a Senate race in 2012, a very wry and self-assured Ted Kennedy Jr. just smiled: “You don’t say,” he chuckled.
Indeed we do say. And I'll repeat it here. I believe Ted Kennedy Jr.will face off against Scott Brown in 2012 in Massachusetts when Brown has to run for a full term.
Kennedy first came to prominence at his father's funeral when he delivered an impassioned eulogy that left many in tears and wishing he would run.
He has that depth of character and experience brought about by his battle against his disability that marks him as a special Kennedy. Though based in Connecticut and a successful human rights layer, he has retained his Massachusetts residency. That will surely come in handy.
There is no doubt the family is still steaming over the loss of the seat to Brown, and the pathetic race run by Martha Coakley.
Kennedy would have a great shot if he decides to run. The bloom will be off Brown by then, and Obama will be running and winning statewide for President unless he suffers a total political meltdown.
Over the weekend, Kennedy talked about his father's absence as health care finally passed and predicted some Republicans would have signed on if he was still around.
“It was a bittersweet moment,” Kennedy said. “And yes, something about it made me miss my dad all the more. For so many years, he was the one who worked to keep the flame of universal heath care going.
“He would introduce that legislation over and over again, certain that someday the moment would come when his dream of health care for all would become a reality. I just wish he’d been here to see it.”
If there was any consolation, Kennedy said, it was that his father died believing that his vision was going to become law. “With the (Democratic) majority in Congress and the commitment of President Obama, I think he knew it would happen,” he said.
“My father had this gift of forming personal relationships with people, and it didn’t matter which side of the aisle you were on. People like Al Simpson or Lowell Weicker would come over to my dad’s house for dinner all the time. Hell, I can even remember Don Rumsfeld coming over one night to jump in our pool. You could argue back then, and still be great friends.”
Methinks this son has many of the same talents.
