Read more - Jay Leno's 'Tonight Show' mocks Brian Cowen following famous interview - SEE VIDEO

So Jay Leno will not apologize to Brian Cowen for calling him a drunken moron on the 'Tonight Show' .

I would have been surprised if he did.

Comedians don't do sorry, if they did they would spend half their lives apologizing.

But they are comedians after all, prone to exaggerate, fulminate, pontificate.

Leno spent about fifty seconds in total on the Cowen piece.

I doubt if more than 1 per cent of his audience even knew what he was talking about.

Having a laugh at the Irish over drinking is as American as apple pie.

It is part of the comedy culture,like it or not.

The last thing Brian Cowen wants from Jay Leno now is an apology.

That will only stoke the flames again of the now infamous radio interview where Cowen was either drunk or hungover according to his critics, or just hoarse according to his defenders.

Cowen wants to bury this story as as deep as a stake in Dracula.

Leno reviving it was the worst possible news for him, playing directly to his perceived weakness that he was a leader who didn't take his job seriously enough.

This time he hopes this story will finally lie down.

An apology would only start another wildfire in the media echo chamber.

In his current perilous political state Cowen does not need that.

Read more - Jay Leno's 'Tonight Show' mocks Brian Cowen following famous interview - SEE VIDEO