Between the green beer and the green bagels, the furor over t-shirts promoting Irish stereotypes, and debates over who can march in the NYC St. Patrick’s Day parade, the celebration of Irish heritage and culture can sometimes get drowned out on St. Patrick’s Day.

To bring that celebration back front and center, this March (officially Irish-American Heritage Month in the US), we want to hear your stories of what makes you proud to be Irish and of what St. Patrick’s Day means to you.

You can leave a comment, you can write us an email ([email protected]), you can tell us on Facebook, or you can tweet at us. You can send us your Vines, your YouTube clips, your Instagram photos or videos. You can grab our attention with the hashtag #proudtobeIrish.

Then, on March 17, we’ll compile them all into one of the biggest celebrations of Irish pride the internet has ever seen.

So tell us! What makes you #proudtobeIrish – is it something about Irish culture? Irish history? Ireland today? Is there someone in your family or community who makes you especially proud? We can’t wait to hear your stories.