We’re suckers for good Santa stories so when Johnny Devlin’s annual Christmas Party, greener than Santa' mistletoe, crossed our desks we couldn’t resist.
There’s even some jolly holly questions Shighla Jackson Devlin answered - she’s the dignified party next to that seriously green Santa soul with the green beard (above).
So, Merry Christmas to the Devlins, great readers of IrishCentral and if you are having an Irish-themed Christmas cracker of a party send your pictures in too.
Michael Hall Devlin, II (Bobs son), Bobby, My Dad, Michael Devlin (Brother), Mark Devlin (michaels son)
Why the green beard?
It was for the Devlin Annual Christmas Party. He also put in some ornaments.
Does the real Santa wear green on St. Patrick's Day?
Which would you prefer a green beer or a green beard?
Green Beer! Wouldn’t anyone pick a beer over a beard?
Is Kermit the frog green because he's Irish or Irish because he's green?
He’s definitely Irish and that’s why he’s green.
Tell me about your reason for your Irish Santa party.
I host a Christmas party for my Dad’s side of the family every year and each year we do a different theme. They are typically pretty crazy themes and everyone dresses up and prizes are awarded. This year the theme was Team J-Pa and we all wore our Team J-Pa shirts. However, some of us added in our own flare of fun, like my brother. Lol!
Read more: Christmas letter to Santa inspires New Yorker a century later