The day Phoebe Prince died, Sean Mulveyhill, Kayla Narey and Ashley Longe, three accused in her bullying related death, were in the school's library loudly yelling "Irish whore" and other insults at Prince.
Now the district attorney's report says those taunts occurred in the presence of a teacher who did not report it. Three of the girls accused, Ashley Longe (left), Flannery Mullins and Sharon Velazquez are pictured above.
New court documents also show that Phoebe Prince, the Irish student at South Hadley High in Massachusetts who hanged herself, reported she was being bullied to an unnamed school administrator one week before she committed suicide.
A witness quoted in the documents said Prince returned to class and said no action was going to be taken and that she was "still going to get beat up."
As new details on the bullying of Phoebe Prince have begun to emerge, the failure of school officials to intervene has become more evident despite many warnings.
The documents show that as far back as Dec. 2009, a student told a teacher that Mullins, who is now under indictment, was screaming and threatening Phoebe in the hallway and bathroom of the high school.
Then on the week of Jan. 7, just a week week before Phoebe's death, students told investigators that Velazquez was swearing and yelling at Prince in front of teachers in the cafeteria. The teachers did nothing about it.
However, Velazquez was suspended later that day when a teacher saw her yelling at Prince in Latin class.
Darby O'Brien, a local public relations specialist who speaks for the family, says "If one adult, one official from that school had stepped in during that time, this wouldn't have happened.
"Why didn't the officials stop it? Never stepped in and stopped it. They claimed they knew about it the week she died, and now we know that's not true," said O'Brien.
The documents also show the suspects' reactions after Prince was found dead.
One student all told investigators that Velazquez told her, "she wasn't the only person that caused Phoebe's death and that she didn't care that she was dead."
