Read more: Donald Trump makes an idiot of himself over Obama birther issue
So Barack Obama has released the official long form of his birth certificate so score one for Donal Trump.
Sad isn't it that the White House had to stoop to such measures because of an incredible campaign that persuaded close to half the Republicans in the United States that their president was born in another country.
Or maybe consider it an exceedingly clever move by the White House to boost Trump and make him a viable contender for the Republican nomination.
There is no one that Obama would rather face than the thrice married, thrice company bankrupt Trump in 2012.
By revealing the birth certificate at this time they have boosted Trump in a major way and set back Trump's legitimate rivals for the nomination.
Or maybe the White House is not that smart, but I suspect there is a Machiavellian mind behind this release right now.
It makes Trump a real contender with bragging rights that he achieved what no one else could do and forced the White House to reveal the full birth certificate.
Nothing could make Democrats happier in the long run I suspect than facing Trump in 2012.
Read more: Donald Trump makes an idiot of himself over Obama birther issue
