Boston College will mark the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday with a symposium on February 18 and 19. 

The event, hosted by the Boston College Irish Studies program, is free and open to the public and will include screenings of films based on Bloody Sunday and a presentation from award-winning author Julieann Campbell, who will formally launch her new book "On Bloody Sunday"  in the US during the symposium. 

Campbell's uncle Jackie Duddy was the first person to die on Bloody Sunday on January 30, 1972. 

Her book features more than 100 testimonies from eyewitnesses, survivors, and relatives, offering a unique insight into events in Derry 50 years ago. 

Political scientist Niall Ó Dochartaigh, a researcher of the Northern Irish civil rights movement, and Laoise Moore, Consul General of Ireland in Boston, will also participate in the event. 

Guy Beiner, Boston College's Sullivan Professor of Irish Studies, will also speak during the presentation "Bloody Sundays: Remembrance of State Violence Against Civilian Protest". 

"Derry’s Bloody Sunday in 1972 has a universal relevance as it relates to other events in which state forces used excessive violence against civilian protesters," Beiner said in a statement. 

Robert Savage, the interim Director of Boston College's Irish Studies program, will speak on "Televised Terror: The BBC’s Coverage of Bloody Sunday". 

Introductions and film screenings will take place on Friday, February 18 between 4 and 7 p.m. in Room 008 of Devlin Hall, while a number of presentations will take place between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Saturday, February 19 in the same location. 

A memorial tribute and the launch of Julieann Campbell's book will take place between 5 and 7:30 p.m. in Connolly House. 

The event is free, but advanced registration is required. 

Members of the public can find registration links and a schedule for the symposium on the Irish Studies website. 

They can also email [email protected] or call 617-552-6396 for further information.