I HAVE been following the scandalous outrage that is Larry Murphy’s release back in August 2010, and his subsequent admittance back into Ireland in May/June 2011 because he had his passport stolen by a prostitute in Spain.
Clearly t his scoundrel is being protected by the Irish justice system and has been since his release back in August 2010.
The fact that he repeatedly raped and almost murdered a Carlow woman and served only 10 years for this heinous crime should be enough for the justice system in Ireland to be revamped from head to toe. But of course the powers that be do nothing.
When Murphy was released he got to stay in rent free lodgings paid for by the Irish taxpayers via the Department of Social Protection! Imagine a convicted rapist who attempted to murder a woman is being PROTECTED upon his release by the government.
Here are some serious questions that need to be answered:
*Was he a paid informant of the Gardai (police)?
*What information did this scoundrel give to the police or withhold from them?
*How was he allowed to stay in Ireland for two weeks when he needed to get a new passport?
*Who protected him when he flew back to Ireland and why?
*What information does he have now that the police in both Spain and Ireland are monitoring him incessantly?
*What does retired commissioner Pat Byrne know of the information Murphy had that the Gardai released him and allowed him to return unimpeded to get a new passport?
* Why has the main stream media dropped this story? Were they directed to do so and by whom?
*What was Murphy’s connection to Kevin Street Garda station within which he sough refuge upon his release?
When he returned in May 2011 Father Ciaran Enright collected him at the airport. He was under 24-hour Gardai surveillance while he ambled about the place waiting for his passport to be re-issued.
What sort of a legal system allows this to happen to its women?
What have the Gardai and the justice system concluded in the cold cases of Annie McCarrick, Jo Jo Dullard and Deidre Jacob?
The answer? Nothing.
The U.S. authorities need to step up and investigate Annie McCarrick’s disappearance and demand answers from Ireland’s police force as soon as possible.
Perhaps their first step might be to question Murphy at length in his Spanish residence.
A.P. Ó Máille
New York, New York