Minister for the Diaspora calls on Irish around the world to submit ideas for a commemorative stamp.

Minister for the Diaspora and International Development Ciaran Cannon is calling on Irish communities across the world to submit ideas for a special commemorative stamp set celebrating the Irish diaspora.

Minister Cannon said, "Each year An Post produces a program of special and commemorative stamps on behalf of the Irish Government. The program comprises of around 30 such stamps covering up to 13 different topics. As Ireland's national postal service, An Post has been for many years the primary means by which members of our Irish diaspora across the world have maintained contact with family and friends at home. Before the advent of modern technology, the post was their sole means of contact.

As part of @Postvox's 2020 programme of special & commemorative stamps there is a proposal for a set of stamps to celebrate the #Globalirish diaspora. If you have ideas we want to hear them by the deadline of March 16th. For more information check out:

— Global Irish ☘ (@GlobalIrish) January 18, 2018

"I am delighted, therefore, that An Post has accepted my proposal to produce a set of stamps, for the 2020 Program of Special and Commemorative postage stamps, to celebrate the contribution of the Irish diaspora worldwide. To that end, I am calling on Irish communities worldwide to make suggestions which they feel will celebrate and reflect the contribution of Irish emigrants to their host community and country.

Read more: Irish government plans to harness the power of the Irish Diaspora in 2018

"Ideally, the suggestion should celebrate significant events, organizations or anniversaries of Irish emigrants and preference should be given to 50th, 100th and 200th anniversaries; reflect noteworthy aspects of Irish emigrant life, or contribution to host countries; reflect the Irish contribution to world affairs; reflect topics that have popular and commercial appeal or are somehow representative of Irish life abroad; Irish involvement in major events in host countries; reflect the diversity of the Irish diaspora and in particular minority groups within the Irish diaspora.

"Those who have suggestions for stamp ideas should send a brief outline of their suggestion to the Irish Abroad Unit, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Iveagh House, St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 or to [email protected] with the closing date for submissions being Friday, March 16, 2018. 

"This is a splendid opportunity for people to mark in a very tangible way the contribution of individuals and groups who helped build up the social and economic life of Irish communities in every part of the world and who have enhanced our sense of what of it means to be Irish."

Read more: Irish government launches directory of the global Irish diaspora