Niall O'Dowd / Susan beats Beatles and Whitney... Amen! / Click here

The faithful who gathered to praise Susan Boyle since the unlikely Scottish star burst on the scene are religious-like in their devotion to her.

Her website fan forums are full of fans who believe that what Susan offered them was an almost-holy experience in terms of the impact on their lives.

They give testament to her impact on them, and treat her as a cherished figure in their own lives. Susan Boyle indeed may become that rare bird, a crossover singer who is larger than the music she sings. She represents a hope and aspiration to millions of fans who see her not just as another performer, but someone who has a deeper message to impart to the world.

I am so struck by the devotion to her when I write a column about her. This goes beyond fandom I hear from readers all over the world, including in my latest column, from a reader in Greece, one in Saudi Arabia and one in Hong Kong.

There is something of a universal message in what Susan Boyle stands for — a moment in life where people take their head up out of the ordinary and understand that a fundamental message has been sent.

The devotion to her is because she speaks to them in a real and profound way. Whether Susan or her backers fully understand that is beside the point.

She has gone viral on the Internet, but she has also fulfilled an aspiration for so many who want to believe in a better, brighter world where success is measured by depth of character and talent and — not some ludicrous, media-driven standard of personal looks and marketability.

Hers is a life less ordinary, one lived in the shadow of a traumatic birth and childhood, one lived in the darker places where so many of us fear to go.

it was not easy to be Susan Boyle, the subject of "Simple Susie' jibes by young kids and some adults no doubt, living on her own with only a beloved cat for companionship.

Then suddenly, a magic wand was waved and she appeared before the world. She had held on to the greatest gift, a voice crafted in heaven. And when she shared it with the world, the incredible impact was there for all to see. "And the least shall be made great."

The devotion to her and what she represents continues to catch the world by surprise. When her album beat the Beatles and Whitney Houston in advance sales, many pundits still reacted with great surprise. They should not have: The Beatles phenomenon has long passed its height, Whitney Houston no longer commands the stage like she once did. Neither have any message beyond their music.

Susan Boyle does. It goes to the heart of her followers that it is inner beauty that counts, that there is meaning to life beyond the day-to-day absurdities of the empty culture that surrounds us.

In that way, her followers are like churchgoers, taking that moment to think of larger issues than themselves. Susan Boyle does not preach to them; rather, they have discovered it for themselves and they find it a precious gift.