Tickets are on sale for Irish Repertory Theatre in New York's performances of Two By Synge: In the Shadow of the Glen and The Tinker's Wedding.
Irish Repertory Theatre, the award-winning Off-Broadway home for Irish and Irish-American drama in New York City, is proud to present its titled duo, Two By Synge: In the Shadow of the Glen and The Tinker's Wedding by John Millington Synge and directed by Charlotte Moore.
Two by Synge pairs early masterpieces by JM Synge, inspired by the stories he heard and witnessed while living among poor Irish peasants (following orders from none other than WB Yeats) at the turn of the twentieth century.
Synge began composing The Shadow of the Glen and The Tinker’s Wedding in the summer of 1902 and both plays show the hardscrabble lives of country people, especially the headstrong and powerful women.
In the Shadow of the Glen opens in the midst of a storm as a Tramp seeking lodging for the night finds the downtrodden young Nora Burke preparing an impromptu wake.
Her layabout husband Dan has died suddenly, but not without cursing Nora that none should touch his body. Nora and the Tramp share supernatural tales and dreams of what life could be, but when Nora leaves to call for the young neighbor Micheal, we learn that there is more to the story. Is all as it seems?

(Carol Rosegg)
While in The Tinker's Wedding, Sarah Casey, the Beauty of Ballinacree, has aspirations to be married by a priest to the tinker Michael Byrne.
But his mother, the “old flagrant heathen” Mary Byrne, has other ideas. The boisterous Mary steals Sarah’s hard-earned savings to spend on a pint, and the two scuffle as the wedding day dawns.
When the priest can’t be paid the shilling and tin can he has been promised, Sarah turns her wrath on Mary, and we begin to wonder if the pagan rituals of peasants aren’t perhaps more honorable than the behavior of a corrupt priest.

(Carol Rosegg)
The cast of Two by Synge will include Ciaran Bowling (Les Misérables), Terry Donnelly (The O’Casey Cycle), Sean Gormley (Kingfishers Catch Fire), John Keating (Autumn Royal), and Jo Kinsella (Dancing at Lughnasa).
The performance schedule is as follows: Wednesdays at 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm; Thursdays at 7 pm; Fridays at 7:30 pm; Saturdays at 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm; Sundays at 2:30pm.
Located in New York City, the Irish Repertory Theatre stages the works of Irish and Irish-American classic and contemporary playwrights, encouraging the development of new work focused on the Irish and Irish-American experience, and producing the work of other cultures interpreted through the lens of an Irish sensibility.
Two by Synge runs from April 13 to May 22, 2022, grab your tickets here. You can also follow Irish Repertory Theatre on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.