For some it’s an essential Catholic observance before Easter. For others, it’s a second go at the New Years resolution. Another chance to be a better you, for a limited 40-day period.
If you’re giving up anything for lent this year, for whatever reason, chances are it’s some sort of food, technology or education, according to a new poll.
The 2014 Lent Tracker has compiled a list using information gathered by tweeters. Chocolate tops the list this year followed, ironically, by twitter. 3,754 of commenters on twitter declared that they were giving up school, making it the 3rd on the list.
Alcohol and swearing also made the top 5.
Stranger things people are eager to go without are selfies(#55), complaining(#72) and vegetables (#95). 116 people said they are hoping to give up One Direction for lent.
You can find the full list of vices here.
