Andrew Scott, who plays the "hot priest" in the smash-hit comedy Fleabag, recited words from Irish poet Derek Mahon in a recent video.

Scott, a native of Dublin, recited "Everything is Going to be All Right" by Irish poet Derek Mahon in a video on Instagram in May 2020. 

The powerful video appeared on Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke's Instagram account on Tuesday. The English actress has launched a series of celebrity poetry readings on her Instagram, where celebrities read one of their favorite poems for charity. 

Andrew Scott dedicated his reading to Men Against Cancer Ireland and delivered the poem in a soothing fashion that reassures viewers that everything is going to be alright. 

The Poetry Pharmacy, a poetry website, says that Mahon's poem reassures readers that "one flash of sunlight can be all it takes to give us the sense of possibility that can change everything." 

The Fleabag and Sherlock star performed the poem beautifully in a sunny room with a smile upon his face.  

"How should I not be glad to contemplate the clouds clearing beyond the dormer window/ and a high tide reflected on the ceiling," Scott began. 

One of the poem's lines possibly offers more hope and resilience than any other; "The sun rises in spite of everything." 

The poem's last line provides a further message of hope and resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: "I lie here in a riot of sunlight/ watching the daybreak and the clouds flying/ Everything is going to be all right."

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The beautiful, breathtaking talent that is Andrew Scott reads for us ‘Everything is Going to be All Right’ by Derek Mahon. Andrew has asked to dedicate this to Men Against Cancer Ireland @menagainstcancer Andrew we salute you! ? It comes under the prescription for need for reassurance. Here’s how it reads as written in the book @thepoetrypharmacy @thepoetryremedy There are moments in life when the banal suddenly, and quite without warning, becomes the transcendent. Perhaps a shaft of afternoon light paints a familiar view an unfamiliar gold; perhaps dust in a sunbeam or the dance of sparks above a fire transport you, for a long instant, to somewhere else altogether. The almost magical-seeming reflections of ripples on a ceiling are transfixing in just the same way. In moments like these- awe-struck moments when the ferocious beauty of the everyday catches us unawares- we are often moved to a reassessment. One flash of sunlight can be all it takes to give us the sense of possibility that can change everything. As a great sufferer from depression myself, I find a small moment like this, a sudden splash of serenity and beauty, can provide the impetus needed to run my mood around. Not completely, perhaps, and not permanently- but sometimes a small push is all any of us is waiting for. Derek Mahon’s poem ‘Everything is Going to be All Right’ describes wonderfully the feeling of that little push and reassessment. And there’s something hugely powerful, too, about its final line. When my children are suffering and I hold them in my arms, it seems to be the most natural mantra in the world: Everything will be all right. There’s a comfort to those words, whether or not they’ll prove to be true. OF course, some wounds don’t heal, and some wrongs go un-righted. But in the grander sense, in the everything sense, things to tend to be all right. Too often, our pain is either in our heads or magnified beyond all proportion. If we can learn to manage it, if we can find that oasis of calm in the reflection of the waves, then we might find that out problems are not as all-consuming as we imagined. Thank you thank you Andrew! ?

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