It’s starting to get cold in South Dublin so to prepare for the encroaching frost I’ve bought two bags of coal and started watching YouTube videos on how to twist sheets of newspapers into kindling. Sure, there are still days when the sun breaks through the clouds but if there’s one thing that Game Of Thrones has taught us, it’s that Winter Is Coming.

When it gets cold, I need hot food. Pasta, kebabs, roast potatoes, whatever is handy. Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew.The sort of food that sits heavy in your stomach and keeps you warm. The obvious problem is that, well, they’re not the healthiest of foods. I’ve never seen a cartoon strip of Garfieldwhere he does 30 push-ups after scooping a tray of lasagne down his gullet. No, he mostly just gets fat.

So, to stay a little bit healthy I need to figure out a sport that I can get involved in.

Part of the difficulty is that there’s so many sports in the world to choose from, everything from Akido to Zorbing. Luckily, in 2013 we’re organising 25 tournaments for The Gathering Dublin so I’ll get plenty of chances to see some of them up close. Baseball, basketball, maybe some other sports beginning with B. Surely one of them will suit me?

Representatives from Basketball Ireland with Minister for State at the Department of
Transport, Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring T.D. at The Gathering Dublin launch.
I'm going to be meeting with some of the different sports over the next few months so no doubt I'll find one that suits my laziness. Actually, we have had cricket teams contact us who want to play in Corkagh Park.... although all their players seem to be pretty good at it.  I could play soccer, I mean, Tallaght Stadium did just win the 2012 Airtricity League Pitch of the Year Award, so at least when I fall over I’d be falling onto quality grass.

Although now that I think about it, a lot of these will involve running. Maybe poker is more my speed. Or bridge. Or golf. A nice walk in the fresh air could do me some good, really help me work up an appetite.

Wait, I started this whole thing by complaining about how cold it was outside, right? I’ll stick with poker, thanks.

For a full list of all the tournaments we’re hosting in 2013 check out our website at If you or your team want to take part, or you think there’s a sport that I should get involved in, you can send me a tweet @GatheringDublin, hassle me on Facebook or email me at [email protected]. Until then, get me another tray of lasagne Odie, good dog.