Volunteers have been busy on the listening line again this week, taking calls and mailing out informative Irish Senior Connect brochures to individuals, organizations and businesses throughout the Irish community. You will also find that we have placed brochures and posters at some of your favorite shops and gathering places throughout the area.

We are hoping that everyone who receives a brochure will hold onto it as a handy reference for information about our service, and to have the toll free number available to call the listening line and to pass the word on the service to friends and family.
If you would like to call the listening line, we’ll be glad to hear how your day is going, or what your feelings are about a recent experience or event. You also might have been thinking about some past events in your life that you’d like to relate to someone. Please know that we are here to listen to you.
To make sure that we reach as many people as possible throughout the Irish community, we are asking everyone we meet to spread the word about the service. If you would like a brochure mailed to you, need us to drop some off for your organization or group, or need any other information, please call the listening line today at 855-249-5146 or email [email protected].

Irish Senior Connect “The Listening Line” 855-249-5146