Did you click into this article hoping to see the horrific Paul George injury? If so, you are going to suffer a let-down, our apologies to you.
The powerful, talented Indian Pacers players Paul George suffered a very tough injury last night while working out with the Team USA basketball team. He was clearly in great distress and the young man will, by all accounts, now face approximately six months of tough rehab in order to get back on the court.
In days of old that might have been the end of the story, however, the times are clearly a changing. The Internet is a-flush this morning with tweets, links, memes and jokes of the incident, either leading you to or directly showing you the video clip of the horrible injury.
This is what headline writing in sports journalism now amounts to; ‘’ Paul George Breaks His Leg Horrifically In Team USA Scrimmage [GRAPHIC]’’
One tweet this morning, from a ‘journalist’ who used to cover the Boston Red Sox, had the link and the following text; ‘OMG OMG OMG OMG’. Yes indeed, the Pulitzer people will be following that thread with great interest.
Suffice to say, the Internet is, once again, embarrassing itself this morning.
We could debate the validity of the journalistic importance of showing an injury, however I defy someone to explain to me the value of showing such injuries.
Why do people think it is important to see a video like this? Because we’re being told it is. The headlines scream, in bold and capitals, ‘OH WOW YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS VIDEO!!’ Why do they do that? Because, sadly, people love injuries. People love injuries, accidents and cute pets. Oh, and semi clad Kardashians, of course. That same love for those items equates to the treasured ‘clicks’, people clicking links like trained seals because they are told to.
Well, actually, they are shouted at to do so.
So, the sites that have decided to show video footage, or provide links to same, of this injury, are chasing links. They aren’t trying to tell you a story, they aren’t trying to increase your knowledge of anything in any way, they just want you to click, so their advertisers pay them extra because they can say ‘Oh look how many people clicked on our sites today!’
The cost? Paul George writhing on the floor in agony.
Imagine for a second you were at work and you suffered a gruesome injury while carrying out your job. Imagine someone took video footage of it, and imagine finally that today millions around the World are watching you in distress, struggling in pain and the uncertainty of your professional future. It’s not a very nice thought, is it?
Look, of course information is important, and should be transmitted around the Globe freely without restrain or censorship. However, is there really any kind of informative value to watching a young athlete writhe in pain on the court?
If you have yet to succumb to the endless tweets, Facebook notes and such, do yourself a favor. Don’t click that link. Save a tiny little portion of your dignity and let Paul George have his.