"Together for Christmas" is charity CD featuring Irish artists. |
Typical Irish, we are springing into action to help those in need this holiday season. A Christmas music fundraiser for the people of the Philippines is being staged for the Irish charity Concern Worldwide.
Featuring artists from the Christmas CD Together for Christmas: A Contemporary Celtic Christmas Collection, the evening will feature performances by Kyf Brewer, Tara O’Grady, John Munnelly and the Wild Colonial Bhoys.
The disc is a must-have for the holidays, featuring Christmas music by Larry Kirwan, Damien Dempsey, the Celtic Tenors, the High Kings, Ashley Davis and more.
The concert is at Arlene’s Grocery in New York on December 16 from 6-9 p.m. Entry is $20 at the door only and CDs will be for sale.
For those of you who can’t make it you can donate to Concern for the victims of the Philippines’ typhoon at http://www.concern usa.org/ and you can purchase the CD with monies going to Concern at www.togetherforchristmas.com or on iTunes.