Are you interested in becoming a US Citizen? If you have been a Legal Permanent Resident for the past 4 years and 9 months or longer, or are married to a US citizen for the past 2 years and 9 months or longer, you may be eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship.

You may also have a lot of questions about U.S. naturalization including the processing time, the application fee and perhaps some other issues that have been bothering you.

You may also be looking for help preparing for the citizenship exam, why not consider receiving help from the experienced staff at the Irish International Immigrant Center.

IIIC staff can help guide you through the entire process from the initial stages to completion of the application or a citizenship preparation course. Staff are available at weekly legal clinics throughout the city of Boston and at monthly citizenship clinics in our downtown offices.

We also offer a six week citizenship class to help prepare you for the exam. Our next Citizenship classes are due to begin in July, so stay tuned for more information on these classes. For complete information, please visit our website at or call (617) 542-7654.

This Monday, June 10th, we are having a legal clinic in the Green Briar Restaurant in Brighton Center at 6:30pm. John Rattigan and Neil Hurley will be on hand to answer any citizenship queries you may have. You are invited to stay afterwards to sample the excellent Green Briar hospitality and enjoy their weekly Irish music seisiun.

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