In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Gaga reveals her feelings of self doubt: “When I wake
up in the morning, I feel just like any other insecure 24-year-old girl," she said. "Then I say, 'B---h, you're Lady Gaga, you get up and walk the walk today.’ "
Our favorite New York pop princess has redefined the face of modern day pop music with her
daring costumes, fiery lyrics and intense dance routines.
Gaga, real name Stefani Germanotta, said: "I don't feel like I look like the other perfect little pop
singers," Most fans would agree that she is anything but a “perfect pop singer.” Her memorable
performances and eccentric style makes her incomparable to any other pop performer.
Known for putting in grueling hours of rehearsals, Gaga likes to push herself to the extreme.
She refuses to drink water during her performances as she thinks this would take away from the
fantasy of the music.
Talking about her highly anticipated new album Gaga revealed "I've been working on it
for months now, and I feel very strongly that it's finished right now. It came so quickly.
Some artists take years; I don't. I write music every day."
Keeping her fans in suspense, Gaga will not be revealing the title of new album until
midnight on New Year's Eve.