Today's top Irish news stories:

Will Pope Francis appoint a female cardinal? Not as crazy as it seems

That question may not seem as fanciful in the months ahead, with a trail-blazing new pope leading the way for the world’s Catholics…READ MORE


Irishman killed by falling tree as Halloween storm batters Britain

An Irish father of three was simply in the ‘wrong place at the wrong time’ as he became a victim of the worst storm to hit Britain in a decade…READ MORE


Chicago community turns out in support of Natasha McShane after guilty verdict

Last week Heriberto Viramontes was found guilty of all charges in relation to the baseball-bat-attack of Armagh woman Natasha McShane in Chicago's Bucktown neighborhood in April 2010. On Sunday Chicagoans continued to show their support for the Irish family and her friends through prayer and fundraising….READ MORE


Irish startup seeks to revolutionize the sports world with genetic profiling (VIDEO)

An Irish startup company is attempting to revolutionize the way athletes enhance their physical performance, by profiling their DNA...READ MORE


St Patrick was from France and not British new book claims

The author of a new book has claimed that St Patrick was a native of Brittany in France and not Britain, as is generally accepted…READ MORE
