An urgent call for sepsis awareness and action will be the message from the Staunton Family, parents of Rory Staunton, the 12-year-old, New York boy who died from Sepsis on April 01, 2012.

The family has been invited to testify about Sepsis before a full Health Committee Hearing in the United States Senate on September 24th, 2013. This is the first times that the issue of sepsis in the United States has been raised at such a high level.

Orlaith and Ciaran Staunton said in a statement that they welcomed the invitation to testify and thanked both the Senate Health Committee Chairperson Senator Harkin and the ranking member Senator Alexander for the invitation.

"This is an historic opportunity to speak to the full Senate House Committee about our son Rory's death and how it has impacted our family."

Sepsis kills more Americans than Aids," they continued "and is costing the US economy over $16 billion dollars a year. Moreover, there is a real opportunity to save lives through awareness and education throughout our community of parent and health care professionals as sepsis is treatable once it is detected".

"Our son Rory should not have died and we want to ensure that no other child dies unnecessarily because of this silent killer."

As part of this effort we have worked with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who has enacted ‘Rory Regulations", and we have set up the Rory Staunton Foundation to increase Awareness of Sepsis.

The United States Health Committee Hearing will take place at 10.00 am on Tuesday, September 24th at 430 Dirksen Senate Office Building.

Visit the The Rory Staunton Foundation website for more information. Alternatively contact them via email [email protected] or 917-523-8467 for more information.