Robert F Kennedy, son of the late Senator Robert Kennedy, has reportedly rejected a deal offered by the two nurses who claimed he assaulted them in the maternity ward where his son Boru was born back in January.
The New York Post reports on the legal matter brewing between Kennedy and the two nurses from Northern Westchester Hospital inNew York. Kennedy insists he is innocent, and will head to trial, effectively turning down a plea deal crafted by the nurses and their attorney Elliott Taub.
Cari Luciano and Anna Lane have made a list of demands for Kennedy in order for the charges against him to be dropped. Included in the deal package is Kennedy’s public admittal on the ‘TODAY’ show of his wrongdoings, financial compensation and the odd request that he serve as a garbage collector for two weeks.
Kennedy, however, has turned down the offer, pled not guilty and will head to trial against the nurses on October 22nd in Mount Kisco. He has been charged with child endangerment and physical harassment after an altercation with the two nurses after he took his newborn son Bo out of the maternity ward on January 7th.
“Douglas is confident that he will be fully exonerated at trial. He had no interest in making any kind of deal,” a Kennedy friend said. “This proposal smacked of a shakedown.”
The secret “settlement proposal” was drawn up on March 19th between the nurses Luciano and Lane, and their attorney Elliott Taub. The settlement requests a “a monetary settlement to each nurse the sum of which is to be agreed upon and paid, commensurate with each nurse’s physical and psychological injuries, pain and suffering, and particularly posttraumatic stress disorders.”
“The nurses,” Taub said, “agree to keep this settlement amount strictly confidential.”
The deal would force Kennedy to plead guilty to “some charge in exchange for the nurses withdrawing their criminal complaints . . . with a sentence or penalty of community service to be set by the DA and/or Court — preferably collecting garbage daily in Mount Kisco or Chappaqua for at least two weeks.”
The settlement deal also would have required Kennedy to donate to a children’s health fund.
