Opposition party Fine Gael has reached its highest support level ever as the government in Ireland continues to be very unpopular.
Fine Gael support is now at 36 percent, 13 points ahead of the government party Fianna Fail who have slumped to 23 percent. The government coalition party, the Greens are at 5 percent, making the total government support at just 28 percent with a very tough budget to come.
The Labor Party is at 17 percent and Sinn Fein at 10 percent making the combined opposition support at 53 percent not counting independents who come in at nine percent support.
The poll is in the Sunday's Business Post newspaper and it also shows that 75 percent support tax levies on the richest in Irish society rather than cutting child benefits, pensions and health spending.
The government will present their toughest ever budget in two weeks in an attempt to get the public finances back in order but the aftermath of the tough budget is almost certain to result in a further drop in their standings.
Forty-four percent believe the government not cut health and education spending, while 48 percent are against cuts in child benefit and pensions.
The Red C conducted the poll on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, among 1,000 voters nationwide.
