Over two-thirds of Irish people in their late 20s live with their parents, significantly higher than the EU average, according to a new report. 

A new study from Eurostat, the statistical body of the EU, has found that 68% of people aged 25 to 29 still live at home, far above the EU average of 42%. 

A total of 74% of Irish men in their late 20s still live at home, compared to 61% of women. The EU average for men and women aged 25 to 29 is 48% and 36% respectively. 

The report also found that the number of adults in their late 20s living at home in Ireland has doubled in the last decade as the housing crisis intensified. 

Ireland is also an outlier in Western Europe, with just 20% of German people aged 25 to 29 living at home and just 17% of Dutch people in that age bracket living at home. 

Meanwhile, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland all boast rates lower than 6%.

Only Croatia, Slovakia, Greece, and Italy have higher rates of adults in their late 20s living at home than Ireland. 

The report additionally found that the average age that an Irish man moves out is now 27.4, while the average age for a woman is 26.5. 

Labour Party Leader Ivana Bacik said the report revealed the "stark consequences" of Ireland's housing crisis, adding that young people are "failing to launch their adult lives". 

"Despite record employment levels, too many young adults in Ireland today are barely getting by. They are working hard, paying taxes, and contributing to society, yet for far too many, Ireland feels like no country for young people," Bacik said. 

Cian O'Callaghan, deputy leader of the Social Democrats, said the figures paint a "very bleak" picture of what it is like to be a young adult in Ireland. O'Callaghan added that the Irish Government has overseen a "monumental failure" in providing people with affordable housing.

"There are good examples of solutions in other European countries, in Denmark, for instance, young people have access to a wide range of high-quality social, affordable, and student accommodation options," O'Callaghan said in a statement. 

"It is hardly a coincidence that 25 to 29-year-olds in Ireland are now 15 times more likely to be still living with their parents than those in Denmark." 

Housing Minister Darragh O'Brien told the Irish Independent last week that Ireland has a "very significant housing problem" and called for more support for renters in the upcoming Budget in October.