Although some residents of Derry and Donegal may disagree, the Met office has predicted that the worst of the weather either has already passed or will pass through quite soon. The reports that Ireland should brace itself for another unbelievably cold winter, they say, are the reports that people need to avoid reading.
Long range weather reports preparing Ireland for another Ice Age are the ones that are scaring people away. Pat Clark, a forecaster for Met Dublin, urged people to “keep a sense of perspective” when reading the weather reports, according to the Derry Journal.
Short term reports tend to be the most accurate; as proof, Clark says that “we have seen a number of articles predicting extreme weather for October but none of those have come to pass.”
Although Derry and Donegal has been battling winds up to 33 knots and 30 mm rain for the past five days, Clark reported that, “The worst of the weather will pass however, there will still be wet spells today and the temperature will drop at night with some frost expected.”
Most importantly, Clark ended with, “however that is typical for this time of year.”
Winter hits Ireland with snow likely later in the week
Harsh Irish winter en route - ‘little ice age’ predicted
Leading weather expert dismisses Ice Age warnings for Irish winter
