Police are investigating a possible link between the gruesome deaths of two red-haired women whose severed heads were found 150 miles apart.
The decapitated heads of the two unidentified victims were both found in plastic bags in similar settings about three weeks apart. One of the heads was found on March 1 near Calcasieu Lake in Louisiana by a prison inmate performing cleanup labor next to Highway 27 in Cameron Parish, while the second head was found on Lake Houston, Texas, near an RV park by a volunteer cleanup crew.
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Both victims were white with reddish hair and good teeth and are believed to be within the same age range, reports The Irish Post.
According to a forensic examination, the Texas victim was a white or Hispanic woman between young adulthood and middle age with reddish brown or auburn shoulder-length hair with 3 to 4 inches of dark brown roots.

A sample of the Texas victim’s dyed-red hair. Credit: Houston Police Department
A post-mortem on the victim in Louisiana found that the woman was between 25 to 40 years of age with reddish brown hair around 10 to 12 inches long.
Cameron Parish Sheriff’s Office and the Houston Police Departments have acknowledged the striking similarities in the cases and victims and are sharing evidence.
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Investigators are searching for a man in his early to mid-20s who was seen throwing a black plastic bag off the bridge at Calcasieu, two weeks prior to the discovery, the Houston Chronicle reports.
The man has been described as about 5-foot-4 to f-foot-8 tall with short dark brown hair with long bangs. He was seen getting out of the front passenger side of a rusted, teal or bluish-green Chevrolet Silverado extended cab truck. Police are considering the man a person of interest.