Fine Gael TD publicly apologized to the policeman he threated while driving, drunk out of the gates of Irish parliament.
PJ Sheehan, TD to Cork South West said that the policeman, who ordered the Merrion Road exit to parliament remain closed has acted appropriately.
He said “I wish to offer a full and unreserved apology for my behavior.
"In particular I offer my deepest apologies to the gardaí [police] on duty that night who were carrying out their duty in exemplary fashion."
According to the police report, Sheehan had tried to drive off despite the police warning him not to do so. Sheehan, aged 77, told the policewoman that she would not get anything when Fine Gael got into power.
The incident took place at 1am on the evening that Parliament broke for the summer. Sheehan was drunk and unable to stand properly. His wife apologized on his behalf and he was eventually persuaded to take a taxi home.
On the evening in question the Fine Gael party leader, Enda Kenny had passed by but told the police to ignore Sheehan’s threats.
In a statement released by Sheehan he said “I also deeply regret the embarrassment this incident has caused the Fine Gael party, its leader, my colleagues in the party, my constituents... and my wife and family.
"I intend writing a letter in the morning expressing my deep personal apologies and regrets to the gardaí in question."
The police sergeant on duty had said that he was shocked by police being threatened. He said Sheehan “stated nothing of this sort had ever happened to him during his 30 years in office.
"He was highly offended that a garda should interfere with him in this manner. Mr Sheehan was clearly intoxicated and required my assistance to remain upright."
