We are delighted to announce an exciting photo competition in association with our sister publication, Ireland of the Welcomes magazine.
During the past year, the daily walk has become a ritual, be it to your local coffee shop or out further in nature. In Ireland, at least, we've been unable to leave our own county now for almost 200 days, bar five for good behavior! Perhaps you have a wonderful snap from your last vacation in Ireland? We want to see them all!
The daily walk has become religious to most but it has also allowed us to take in the wonderful beauty that surrounds us that until this pandemic struck we might have not noticed! Maybe you've started noticing your area a bit more and appreciating the beauty in the simpler things? Maybe you pulled out your phone every now and then to take a photo and document the scenery around you?
Maybe before all this misery was upon us you have a magical vacation in Ireland and you want to share them! Let us know!
Well, won't let these gorgeous images go to waste and instead share them with us!

Share your snaps from your 5km walks
We want to see the lovely photos you have taken within your 5km walks during lockdown or your last vacation to Ireland.
Anyone can be a photographer, so no fancy equipment needed! Think you’ve taken a spectacular photo of a setting sunset, have an image of your eerily quiet city or a breathtaking picture from the top of a mountain? We want to see them!
Share your photos on social media using the hashtag #IOWmy5km or by emailing [email protected]. Remember to include your name, location, and a caption for the image.
The lucky winners will be featured in the July / August 2021 edition of Ireland of the Welcomes magazine.
Need some photo inspiration? Check out Ireland of the Welcomes, our sister publication is produced in Dublin and showcases the best of Ireland's scenery along with history, culture, and traditions to the world at large.
Good luck and happy photo snapping!
Subscribe to our sister publication Ireland of the Welcomes bi-monthly magazine here.