Senior Moments at the IPC

By Audrey Larkin

Interim Senior Program Coordinator

Email: [email protected]

Call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 13

The IPC would like to thank Susan Doody for all her work as Interim Senior Program Coordinator during the past several months.

August despite not having the activity of the Senior Program is still quite busy here at the IPC, however, we are looking forward to hosting the Ice cream parties at the Cara Club on Monday August 18th and here at Café Eireann on Wednesday 20th at 12:30 PM. We hope to see you all and look forward to hearing some of your summer stories.

RIP: The staff of the IPC would like to extend our deepest Sympathy to the Family of Mary Higgins (Braintree & Galway). Mary had been very active with the IPC and she will be missed by her family & friends. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-anam. May she Rest in Peace.

Just for Laughs: A man went to the doctors and said “doctor, I feel like a pair of curtains” to which the doctor replied “pull yourself together man”

Immigration and U.S. Citizenship News

By Kieran C. O’ Sullivan, Immigration Counselor

[email protected] or call: 617-265-5300 Ext. 16

U.S. election issues

As we approach the fall elections, and immigration policy matters are featured frequently in the recent media reports, we want to highlight related issues for readers this week. We remind immigrants that only U.S. citizens are eligible for vote in the upcoming election. A false claim to U.S. citizenship is a deportable offense.

U.S. Citizens voting by absentee ballot in U.S. elections

You may vote by absentee ballot if you are out of the U.S. during the election. Indeed the following circumstances allow you to vote by absentee ballot:

· If you will be absent from your city or town on election day and/or

· Have a physical disability that prevents your voting a the polling place, and/or

· Cannot vote at the polls due to religious beliefs.

You must apply for an absentee ballot in writing. You must apply for an absentee ballot from your city or town clerk or election commission no later than noon of the day before the election. Applications may be mailed or hand delivered and you may use any form of written communication for example letter or postcard or the official application form. A family member of a person qualified to vote by absentee ballot may apply in the same manner for you.

To be counted, a completed ballot must be received by the polls close to Election Day. If you are not able to write, the person helping you must sign your name as well as their own name, address and telephone number. Follow the directions provided to you by election officials very carefully.

U.S. Citizens requesting to vote by mail for U.S. elections

A ballot will be sent to any address you specify including your own home. Be sure to apply early and to include the following details on the application:

· You name and address as registered

· Ward and precinct

· The precise address where the ballot should be sent

· The party ballot you wish in a primary

· Your own signature

If you do not know your ward and precinct, you can contact your local town/city halls election office.

Members of Congress

To find out who is your representative in Congress, go to: There are nine Massachusetts congressional representatives. There are a total of 435 members of the House of Representatives. States have a panel of congressional representatives covering different districts in each state. To find out who your U.S. Senator is in Congress, go to: Each state in the U.S. has two senators. You can search by state or by name.

Upcoming immigration clinics

Our next clinic will be on September 2, 2014 at The Banshee Restaurant, 934 Dorchester Ave. Dorchester, Massachusetts beginning at 6:30 PM. Immigration attorneys will be present to answer all your questions.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information contained in it is provided to inform generally, and is not intended as a substitute for individual advice. Immigration law is subject to frequent changes and individual circumstances can affect the application of certain legal provisions. For individual legal advice, please contact the Irish Pastoral Centre directly regarding upcoming legal clinics or consultation with an immigration attorney.

Did you know?

The sad passing of Robin Williams earlier this week is a reminder of how depression affects people of all ages and all walks of life. Those suffering from depression sometimes feel they are the only ones and cannot talk about it due to the stigma attached to it. However, we would like to remind readers that there is ‘hope’. Please pick up the phone and reach out to talk with someone. Please remember ‘Dóchas’ is available to reach out and seek help from. If you or someone you know has been affected by depression, anxiety, addiction or just need to talk to someone, please remember that help is available locally.

Dóchas Massachusetts ( is an Irish American Suicide Prevention group based in Boston (an IIIC and IPC Coalition) whose mission is to support & encourages a community led approach for the prevention of suicide & self-harm in Massachusetts.

If you need to contact them: Danielle at IIIC on 617-542-7654 ext.14/Fr. John at IPC 617-265-5300 Ext.14/ Sr. Marguerite 617-265-5300 Ext. 10 or alternatively you can call Samaritans 24/7 at 617-247-0220 and 508-875-4500