Casey Anthony has heard that she will be released from prison on Wednesday of next week. The 25-year-old defendant was acquitted of all charges involving the abuse and murder of her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, in 2008.

Anthony was found guilty of four count of lying to law enforcement. Judge Belvin Perry sentenced the defendant to four years in prison and a $4,000 fine.

However, Anthony has already served almost three years in prison while waiting for the murder trial to take place. Due to credit for serving time and time off for good behavior she will be set free on July 13, 2011.



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Two of the counts against her were lies that she told about being employed by Universal Studios. The third was the story she made up about the nanny Zenaida Gonzalez. Anthony had claimed the she kidnapped Caylee. The fourth lie was saying that she had spoken to Caylee by phone on July 15, 2008, when the toddler was already dead at that point.

During her trial the prosecution alleged that Anthony killed her two-year-old daughter using chloroform and duct tape. Anthony's attorney claimed that the toddler had drowned in backyard pool.

Outside the court Donna Marina, a local, told the Orlando Sentinel " I feel she got away with murder and it really irritates me"

The newspaper also reported that nearby Anthony's supporters chanted for her release. One man stood with a sign that read "Casey will you marry me?"

The sign holder, Tim Allen, said "I would date her…Everyone deserves a second chance."

Watch Casey Anthony's sentencing here: