WHAT: 2017 Pulitzer Prize winning Author Matthew Desmond discusses the dirty business of rent and economic exploitation in the U.S and what it might mean for us… Part of Festival of Politics 2018.

WHEN: Saturday, November 17, 8PM, Tailors’ Hall, Temple Bar, Dublin


MORE INFO: Join the Irish Times Washington Correspondent Suzanne Lynch as she talks with American author and academic Matthew Desmond about his 2016 non-fiction work, ‘Poverty & Profit in the American City’. Focussing on areas of extreme deprivation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin the book follows eight families struggling to meet rental payments to landlords around the time of the 2008 financial crisis. It highlights the issues of extreme poverty, affordable housing and economic exploitation in the United States.

The book won the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction. Pulitzer committees selected the book, “for a deeply researched exposé that showed how mass evictions after the 2008 economic crash were less a consequence than a cause of poverty.” The timing of this interview –  at a moment when affordable housing, homelessness and evictions are being recognised as a national emergency in Ireland, could not be more appropriate.