The best is yet to come for Irish band U2 according to Bono. With a new album due in April, Bono says things are only getting started for the aging rockers.
"I'm humbled that in our little post-punk combo from the northside of Dublin, to think that maybe our best work might be to come, even if the odds are against us," he said at the Palm Springs Film Festival in California.
"There's no one, no band, who has done their best work, who has been around for 30 years. That's not true for filmmakers, that's not true of a novelist, that's not true of a poet, so why should that be true of a rock 'n' roll band?"
Despite the band being formed almost 40 years ago and members hitting their mid-50s, the Dublin rocker vowed the group still had the ability to forge classic songs.
The Dubliner admitted that he used song-writing to fill a void within him, and that it was a form of therapy. He spoke of his ability to write and perform and how it depended on what was happening in his personal life.
"Performing for me comes on like a twitch, really. I have no choice. The songwriting piece is different. It comes out in two ways: despair and attempt to put things right that have been wrong, or joy, just ebullience, you know, it's just overflowing."
The band's new album, which is rumoured to be titled "Ten Reasons to Exist," is said to be a return to their roots with Talking Heads and The Ramones being mentioned as influences.
The U2 musician caused a storm recently in Dalkey, Co Dublin by happily photobombing a wedding photo.
Sinead O’Sullivan and David O’Connor were just finishing up their wedding photo shoot in Bono’s neighborhood when they bumped into the Irish rock star.
Their photographer Carol Ryan told the Irish Independent the couple were “stunned,” but found him “very charming.”
Ryan explained, "He was walking with his daughter (but) he was happy to jump into some shots."
