Both of these animated films were nominated for Best Short Film (Animated) in the 2001 Academy Awards. One is clever and adorable, while the other is intense and will certainly get you thinking.
"Give Up Yer Aul Sins"
"Give Up Yer Aul Sins" is now an animated series based on the recordings of young children in a 1960s Dublin schoolroom telling Bible stories to their teacher. The series is based on the original Oscar-nominated animated short about a television crew arriving at an inner city Dublin school to record the children. The film, directed by Cathal Gaffney, features Mary, a student that tells us her colorful version of the story of John the Baptist. The renowned film has screened in almost 50 film festivals, and the series is a definite must-have in any Irish DVD collection.
"Fifty Percent Grey"
Director and filmmaker Ruairi Robinson's short film was shown at over 70 international film festivals and won best short animated film at a handful of them. The dark comedy features a soldier waking up in a grey and white desolate landscape. We see blood drip to the ground, and then a T.V. appears. The soldier presses play on a tape, and we hear the words: "Congratulations you are dead. Welcome to Heaven..." The soldier is left with just the television and his gun. What ensues is an intense, yet humorous, commentary on heaven, hell and suicide.