Her ever so public relationship issues are becoming even more public as Lindsay Lohan tweets about them.
Lohan is still fighting with former girlfriend, Samantha Ronson.
At the weekend Lindsay got in trouble for throwing a drink at Ronson's head.
Lindsay claims that Samantha got her thrown out of a party.
Lohan tweeted, "I'm pretty sure that @samantharonson just threw a fit @33years old and my friend tal @draishollywood illegally open NOW at this hour," Lindsay tweeted early Thursday morning.
"Asked me, after being here jus for Timbalands birthday-to leave even though she stayed over just 2nights ago-tired of @samantharonson"
She added, "Playing the innocent card, while chatting to tmz just like my ex-father, when all I've ever done is fall for a girl."
"Jack and crack will make for some crazy tweets," Sam responded. "One more thing- if you're gonna be an idiot an do coke- do it outside the bathroom- some of us actually use them to pee in."
