If we’re going to waste all our time on Instagram and Twitter anyway, we might as well make sure we’re following the best Irish social media accounts.

Many of you may have made a New Year’s resolution to spend less time on social media and to try out a bit of a digital detox, but to be realistic, with the reliance we have on our phones now it’s a lot easier said than done.

If we do have to spend more time online, we might as well make sure that we’re spending our time more productively and adding something to our lives instead of wasting all the days away tagging friends in yet another meme.

These Irish social media accounts and influencers, from fashion and lifestyle bloggers to Irish folklore collections, will make sure that you’ll pick up something interesting as you scroll aimlessly through your feed in the new year.

Are there any interesting Irish accounts you feel we’ve missed out on? Make sure to let us know in the comments section below and tell us why you like to give them your valuable viewing time.

Top Irish social media accounts:

An Táin Bot

A fabulous account run by Irishman abroad Neal Ó Riain, who took his love of the story of  An Táin Bó Cúailnge (The Cattle Raid of Cooley) and turned it into an Irish Twitter phenomenon. An Táin is an epic Irish tale, a legend telling of a ferocious war against Ulster led by Queen Médb (Maeve) and her husband Ailill. Only the iconic Cú Chulainn stands in their war and you can read all of the story, slowly and surely, tweet by tweet.

Set in the pre-Christian 1st century in Ireland, this extraordinary tale is everything that is great about Irish myth and has been lovingly adapted into a medium that will ensure continued adoration for this uniquely Irish tale in the social media age.

"May it be for victory and for triumph and first wounding," said Conall

— An Táin Bót (@antainbot) December 27, 2017

"but we think it too soon for thee to take arms, because thou art not yet capable of deeds.

— An Táin Bót (@antainbot) December 27, 2017

Michaela O’Shaughnessy

There are plenty of Irish fashion, beauty and lifestyle bloggers around, but how many of them can give you an insight into what it’s like to work for Teen Vogue while also showing off a love of picking up a meal at Supermacs in Galway City a few days later.

O’Shaughnessy runs the site and the accounts Life of a Lady Bear, which may afford her the opportunity to bake Christmas cookies with Ed Sheeran, but she also has her bad days and her bouts of homesickness. These snippets of the reality of a fast-paced New-York lifestyle intermingled with her infectious joy and all the great things this life still gives her make @lifeofaladybear a must follow.

David O’Doherty

The hilarious David O’Doherty is one of Ireland’s best hidden secrets. We’ll warrant that many of our US readers have yet to be introduced, but we can guarantee that the “comedian, flaneur and 1990 East Leinster under 14 triple jump bronze medalist” (as he describes himself) will have you in tears of laughter in no time.

Honestly, none of us can imagine that 2018 is going to be any better than 2016 or 2017. The world of internet trolls is sure to get worse before it gets better. Give yourself a reprieve from all the hate and horror in your timeline with O’Doherty’s take on the world.

turns out THEY DONT SELL ANY BOOTS!! pic.twitter.com/592sVJ70U1

— David O'Doherty (@phlaimeaux) December 8, 2017

A Lust for Life

On that note, 2018 should be a year when we not only indulge in plenty of self-care but start taking better care of each other as well. It costs absolutely nothing to 'be sound,' as proven by the Irish well-being movement 'A Lust for Life' and their “Little Book of Sound.”

A Lust for Life is transforming the way Ireland talks about mental health. Following A Lust for Life will remind us all that despite all the political fighting that we need to reach out and be kind. Check in your on fellows human beings to make sure they’re doing all right and offer good advice on how to make strides to deal with any problems they could be having.


Yet another look at Irish folklore. Dúchas.ie will provide you with your daily bite-size insight into the rich Irish storytelling tradition. Read some amazing Irish folklore tales, learn about some old traditions, or explore the writings of 1930s Irish schoolchildren.

Dúchas.ie is the digitization project of the Irish National Folklore Collection and every day they post their top pick of the day from the collection of Irish folklore as well as a link to an online copy of the original version.

Another fantastic way in which social media is being used to bring Irish folklore to the masses.

"The wran, the wran, the king of all birds
St. Stephen's day he was caught in the furze.
Although he is little, his family is great
So wake up landlady and give us a thrate" Stories & pics: https://t.co/vyifwXSmXJ & https://t.co/JEz3LXfXPT pic.twitter.com/h10BOVHmr9

— duchas.ie (@duchas_ie) December 26, 2017

The Irish For

Much like An Táin Bot, @theirishfor started as an one-man exploration of the Irish language and all the amazing words and phrases it holds. It now has almost 30,000 followers, a book and a podcast (both named Motherfoclóir) to come. Ireland is still loving these amusing and creative ways to engage with the language, and for anybody hoping to learn Irish in the new year, this is a great place to add some extra info to your classes.

One figure of speech for disrespect in Irish is "toradh an mhadra", which translates literally as the amount heed or deference which would be paid to a dog. pic.twitter.com/Fu6m5nQXzI

— The Irish For 🎅❄⛄ (@theirishfor) December 18, 2017

Fiona McEntee

Fighting the good fight for her fellow immigrants to the US, Irish immigration lawyer Fiona McEntee can often be seen on TV discussing the immigration issues facing the US and fighting hard for the protection of Dreamers as well as protesting against the Muslim travel ban.

Follow McEntee for updates on what’s happening with the Trump administration's immigration policies from this self-confessed “dirty immigration lawyer” making waves in the US.

I’m brought to tears on the Luas in Dublin seeing photos of all the brave #dreamers begging Congress to pass a #cleanDREAMActNOW

How can they sit idly by? #notonourwatch

Call congress.
478-488-8059 ☎️ pic.twitter.com/PhrIjeluD0

— Fiona McEntee (@USVisaLawyer) December 20, 2017

The Dead Rabbit

No trip to New York is complete without a visit to The Dead Rabbit, regarded by more than us as the best bar in the world. If you fear you’ll never get the chance to sample one of their delicious cocktails, sip on one of their perfect Irish coffees, or perch yourself up on their cosy bar, at least you can find out what other places in the world they would recommend via their social media accounts.

Tips, treats and recommendations galore from the best on the business.

Any more recommendations for us? Let us know about them in the comments section.