The Consulate General of Ireland in New York, Irish Network USA, William D. Johnston, Katie McCormick, Michael McDermott, and Ryan Newell will be hosting the Summer gathering of Irish Network Delaware on June 12, 2014, beginning at 5:30, at the offices of Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, Rodney Square, 1000 North King Street, Wilmington, DE 19801.
Deputy Consul General Peter Ryan said, “Very much looking forward to joining with the Irish Network Delaware for this special event which will bring together friends of Ireland in the historic city of Wilmington. Connections between Ireland and Delaware are deep and vibrant and I have no doubt that over time we will see great growth in business links arising from the work of the Irish Network Delaware.”
Irish Network USA (“IN-USA”), a Delaware charitable nonstock corporation, is the national umbrella organization integrating the Irish Networks that exist in various cities across the United States. It allows members of the networks to connect with their peers and to develop relationships that will foster success in their business, economic, cultural and sports ventures.
IN-DE Member, Katie McCormick said, “Many Delawareans are connected to Ireland historically through their heritage. Among other things, Irish Network USA serves as a way to connect Delawareans to present-day Irish events and causes. I am excited to be among the persons fostering this connection and know that the organization will be warmly received.”
“With renewed efforts to strengthen our chapter in Delaware, Irish Network USA is continuing to make sure the Irish Diaspora has an opportunity to exercise their commitment to Ireland in a tangible way," Steve Lenox, Co-President, Irish Network USA. "Delaware may be small in geography but the voices of the Irish, Irish Americans and 'friends' of Ireland throughout their state are mighty.”
The mission of IN-USA is: to bolster business opportunities and economic development between the United States and Ireland; to support and encourage Irish Arts and Culture through film, literature, theater, dance and language; to encourage and promote the mission and expansion of Irish sports, throughout the United States; to support the efforts of local Irish organizations and associations; to serve as a conduit between newly arrived Irish immigrants and their communities in Member cities and states.