Rory McIlroy, recently struck down with a virus, dropped down the leaderboard at the Dubai World Championship with bogeys on the 17th and 18th holes.

Speaking to reporters he said he can’t wait for the season to end. “To be honest I'm ready for the season to be done …"I am looking forward to putting the clubs away...and taking a break,” the Irish golfing champ confessed.

On Friday a member of his management team told Reuters that McIlroy is “exhausted” and “run down.” They also said it was doubtful that he would play the Asian Tour in Thailand.

McIlroy said: “I'm going to see a doctor again tomorrow night and she's going to determine whether I go to Thailand next week.”

Although McIlroy is not of what kind of virus he has contracted he has theories. He said: “It could be Dengue fever, which is obviously carried by mosquitoes…It could have been food poisoning. It could have been a number of different things ... it could have been bacterial.

"I've just got lasting effects and my body is trying to fight it to get back to 100 percent."


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