Vermont Irish-American duo O'hAnleigh released their first animated music video The Mermaid's Tale, featuring their original song of the same name and the artistic talents of animator Emilie Rodgers.
O'hAnleigh's songs of Irish history, myth and legend play on Celtic and world folk music programs around the globe.
The Mermaid's Tale tells a classic story of a fin-tailed vixed who seduces a sailor to his doom with her irresistible siren song, then merrily sings after the next one who happens to sail by.
Here's the clip:
O'hAnleigh's songs of Irish history, myth and legend play on Celtic and world folk music programs around the globe.
The Mermaid's Tale tells a classic story of a fin-tailed vixed who seduces a sailor to his doom with her irresistible siren song, then merrily sings after the next one who happens to sail by.
Here's the clip: