I would like to sincerely thank all those who helped me run the Mother Toddler Group at St. Mark's Church in Dorchester over the past several years. I would also like to thank everyone at the Greenhills Bakery in Adams Village who kindly donated bagels and scones to us every Wednesday for years. Your kindness is very appreciated. Playgroup has now finished up for the summer but will start up again in September. I am sad to say that this was my last year and that I have retired from running the group. It has been a pleasure to be apart of such a lovely group of moms, dads, grandparents, nannies and children who came together every Wednesday morning to chat, play and get to know one another and make new friends. I will truly miss it and will definitely pop in over the next few years to say hi. Please check in with St. Marguerite at the IPC for further information on who is taking over and when it will start up again in September. Again, thank you all so much.
Have a wonderful and safe summer,
Rita O’Leary Stones
Have a wonderful and safe summer,
Rita O’Leary Stones