When I was asked by the editors of Irish Central to write a blog – and possibly answer questions - about my dating life as a newly single man I hesitated briefly but then said why not!

At the time- about six-weeks ago- I was still single and still trying to wrap my head around the dating game.

I was married for 10 years, most of those happy. Two years ago my wife and I decided to go our separate ways. We just didn’t love each other anymore I guess. It was a mutual separation and we still remain friends.

We never did have any children so that end of it was clear cut.

I wasn’t ready to date for a long time; my heart needed time to heal and it took some time to get used to my own company again.

However mid March, around St. Patrick’s Day, I decided to give dating a shot and agreed to go on a few blind-dates that work colleagues and friends set me up on.

I have to admit I had fun but it really wasn’t my thing. I’m a 42-year-old accountant and maybe a little too sensible.

But good things come to those who wait. I was at a bbq at a cousin’s house on July 4 and I met a lovely Irish woman (whom I’ll keep confidential for the moment). We “clicked” as they say and although were taking things very slowly we have been dating for nearly a month now and it’s going well.

So why am I even writing on a dating blog; well for two reasons, one to give advice to anyone who may need it and two because, well, it might be a bit of fun.

A few friends of mine have already joined this websites new dating site irishcentralpersonals.com and are having fun meeting Irish people throughout the world.

I’m lucky to have found someone at my doorstep. Here’s hoping it will work out.

Right, that’s me.

If you want to ask me a question then don’t hesitate to get in contact. - [email protected]

I’ll be back online soon with a little bit more and to keep ye all updated on my new romance.

I feel giddy even thinking about it to be honest☺