By David Mooney, former Irish Immigration Center Staff and Volunteer
It’s hard to believe 20 years have passed since the Morrison visa lottery! I have great memories of those times at the Irish Immigration Center, Sister Lena Deevy and I were the sole employees of the center, Lena was (and still is) Executive Director and I was Outreach Coordinator, we were both part time employees. But that was on paper only; we basically lived there, spending countless hours helping people with their applications and presenting information workshops all over Massachusetts, in places like Cape Cod, Lowell, Worcester , Quincy, West Roxbury and Everett.
The highlight for me was when I flew to Washington DC weighted down with over 5000 applications to be mailed at midnight on October 14th, 1991. It’s a good job the airlines didn’t charge for bags in those days! At the stroke of midnight I was one of thousands flinging envelopes into mail bins. It was a sight to be seen.
The work didn’t end there, as the results came in and many who we helped apply were notified of their success, we counseled each and everyone on what to expect at the interview.
Although I have not been involved with the IIC for many years when Lena and her team brought up the idea of a reunion I had to get involved.
It would be great to have a get together to see some old faces, volunteers, staff and many that were successful in getting a Morrison visa. It would also be a great opportunity to learn what the IIC is up to now.
The Center’s Open House event is on September 27 between 6:00pm and 7:30pm at 100 Franklin Street, Boston. You are then invited to the Elephant and Castle (next door) to continue the celebrations. For more information, please call 617-542-7654.